Seward, Alaska-Exit Glacier
Your cruise or lodge stay begins here where you will want to get to Exit Glacier, from Hotel Seward, head north out of town,
turn onto the Herman Leirer/Exit Glacier Road
at mile 3 of the Seward Highway. The 8.6 mile road to the Exit Glacier Area is paved, making it easily accessible
to all types of vehicles. Taxi/shuttle service is available from Seward. There is a well maintained trail to the Edge of the Glacier. This
moderately strenuous trail brings you near a wall of blue ice providing the
most dramatic close up view of Exit Glacier. If you are looking for a longer day
hike, don’t miss the Harding Icefield Trail. A map of all the trails in the Exit Glacier area is posted near the Nature Center – that
includes hands-on exhibits and an Alaska Geographic book store. Flush toilets,
near the Nature Center, are operable from Memorial Day through Labor Day.